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Private Markets

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Private Markets

We are the first to provide unique Private Markets solutions for wealthy individuals in the Netherlands. They provide access to attractive (illiquid) non-listed investments, selected by experienced specialists, in which our clients are pooled. Adding Private Markets to your assets will expand your diversification across different investment categories, improving the relationship between return and risk of your assets.

Private Markets, for whom

Private Markets are only appropriate for individuals that have sufficient assets to invest in illiquid solutions. To add Private Markets to your portfolio is a choice for the long term and cannot be build up immediately. It requires patience and consistency. For more information about Private Markets please contact one of our specialists.

Source: UBS Global Family Office Report 2023.

Which form of investing suits you?

Private Equity is investing in non-listed companies. Private Debt is investing in loans or credit that are provided to non-listed companies. Private Property is investing in non-listed real estate and infrastructure (“real assets”). Private Markets investments are typically less accessible and successful private markets managers have a high minimum ticket sizes. The WMP Pools offer you:

Which form fits you best depends on your personal situation. We would be happy to advise you on the possibilities.

Why invest in Private Markets with WMP?

Our Pools provide you with the right structure to jointly invest in private markets. With a proven broad platform, WMP provides access to the most reputable private market managers in the Netherlands, Europe, and worldwide.

WMP thoroughly and carefully researches and selects these funds for you, leaving a selection of complementary strategies. The wide spread across managers, strategies, styles, regions, and vintages increases diversification and reduces risk.

Private Equity

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Private Equity

Private Equity is investing in non-listed companies. The amount of non-listed companies is significantly higher than the amount of listed companies, so Private Equity provides opportunities for additional diversification and returns. WMP invests for its clients in Funds managed by Private Equity fund managers, who specialize in creating capital gains after purchasing a business. Usually, after 5 to 7 years, they will try to realize the capital gains by selling the company. Certain investors who invest in Private Equity Pools could apply for participation exemption benefits for investments where the underlying Portfolio companies have already paid corporate income taxes.

Private Debt

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Private Debt

Private Debt is providing loans to companies. The fund managers who WMP selects, often act instead of banks or the capital market. Private Debt returns are often several percent above marketable loans (such as bonds). Risks are reduced by diversification of the loans across many businesses and proper structuring of the collateral. Private Debt is typically granted at a variable interest rate, so the return rises as interest rates rise. This is where it differs significantly from bonds, where usually the opposite is the case.

Private Property

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Private Property

Private Property is investing in non-listed property and infrastructure (‘real assets’). There is no daily market price at which to trade at a premium or discount (as is often the case) to intrinsic value. Private Property is investing in physical assets with a long-term horizon and vision, through specialized fund managers. One of the characteristics of Private Property is inflation protection through indexed leases.


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WMP Pools

WMP Private Equity Pool NL I 2018

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Launched in 2017, WMP Private Equity Pool NL I provides access to twelve of the best Private Equity fund managers in the Netherlands. WMP started close to home, many fund managers were already quite familiar to us. In addition, Dutch fund managers are very successful, and they provide the possibility of participation exemption. This Pool has since been committed and is now closed to investors. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Private Equity Pool NL II 2021

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WMP Private Equity Pool NL II is the successor to WMP Private Equity Pool NL I and has some new fund managers, partly because the volume of the Pool has more than doubled. This provides new opportunities, as well as the possibility to increase commitments to existing fund managers. This Pool has the possibility of using the participation exemption. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Private Equity Pool NL III

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The WMP Private Equity Pool NL III is the successor to WMP Private Equity Pool NL I and II and will continue the strategy of its predecessors. The Pool aims to build a diversified portfolio of leading Dutch funds, offering diversification in terms of managers, strategies and vintages. This Pool offers the opportunity to make use of the participation exemption. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Past performance is no guarantee for future results.

The WMP Private Equity Pool NL III is the successor to WMP Private Equity Pool NL I and II and will continue the strategy of its predecessors. The Pool aims to build a diversified portfolio of leading Dutch funds, offering diversification in terms of managers, strategies and vintages. This Pool offers the opportunity to make use of the participation exemption. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Past performance is no guarantee for future results.


WMP Global Secondaries Pool I 2020

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WMP Global Secondaries Pool I selects global fund managers investing in existing commitments in Private Equity funds who, for a variety of reasons, wish to exit their commitment (prematurely). It is mostly institutional investors that enable this second-hand market in Private Equity. The advantage of Secondaries is that an existing portfolio of companies is for sale, so the money is already active. In addition, the risk is lower than for Private Equity, because the secondary fund managers are usually familiar with the companies in the portfolio for sale. This Pool has since been committed and is now closed to investors. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Global Secondaries Pool II 2022

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The WMP Global Secondaries Pool II is the successor to the WMP Global Secondaries Pool I and selects fund managers globally who invest in existing commitments in Private Equity funds, who wish to exit their commitment (prematurely) for various reasons. This secondaries market in Private Equity is mostly driven and enabled by institutional investors. The advantages of Secondaries are that an existing portfolio of companies is bought, so the money is already invested. The risk is also lower than ‘ordinary’ Private Equity, as the secondary fund managers often already know the companies in the portfolio. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Global Private Equity Pool I 2021

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WMP Global Private Equity Pool I selects Funds managed by the best Private Equity fund managers worldwide. In the vast array of global Private Equity, finding the best is key. Because of its network and volume, WMP can access successful funds. The large range on offer also allows for diversification by strategies, specializations and geography. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Pool M-2024

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WMP Private Debt Pool I2018

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WMP Private Debt Pool I started in 2018 and has since invested in some nine global Private Debt funds. There are two options, one hedging the exchange rate risk and one that doesn't. So far, the Pool achieved what is was set up for. Returns may increase in the coming years if the interest rates continue to rise. This Pool has since been committed and is now closed to investors. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

WMP Private Debt Pool II

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WMP Private Debt Pool II (next to WMP Private Debt Pool II EUR) are successors of WMP Private Debt Pool I Unhedged and WMP Private Debt Pool I Hedged, it selects fund that predominantly finance mid-market companies, mostly in Europe and the United States. Private Debt returns typically are a few percentage points higher than tradable loans (like bonds) 1. Investments in Private Debt decrease the risk level in investment portfolios. This is a consequence of the lower risk of the loans in comparison to equity interests and focus on capital preservation. In addition, Private Debt loans have a variable interest rate component, which means that the return rises in conjunction with rising interest rates. This is an important distinction in comparison to bonds, where rising interest rates usually have a negative effect on the valuation. Finally, it is common practice to find a minimal base rate provision in the loan contracts, this acts as a return protection in periods where interest rates are declining. In short, Private Debt can bring additional diversification within the total investment portfolio.The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

1 Sources: Cliffwater (2022) and Pascal Böni & Frans de Roon (2023).

WMP Private Debt Pool II EUR

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WMP Private Debt Pool II EUR (next to WMP Private Debt Pool II) are successors of WMP Private Debt Pool I Unhedged and WMP Private Debt Pool I Hedged, it selects fund that predominantly finance mid-market companies, mostly in Europe. Private Debt returns typically are a few percentage points higher than tradable loans (like bonds) 1. Investments in Private Debt are intended to bring down the total level of risk in investment portfolios. This is a consequence of the lower risk of the loans in comparison to equity interests and the focus on preservation of the principal amount. Next to that, loans possess a variable interest payment characteristic, which means that the return rises in conjunction with rising interest rates. This is an important distinction in comparison to bonds, where rising interest rates usually have a negative effect on the valuation. Finally, it is common practice to find a minimal base rate provision in the loan contracts, this acts as a return protection in periods where interest rates are declining. In short, Private Debt can bring additional diversification within the total investment portfolio. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

1 Sources: Cliffwater (2022) and Pascal Böni & Frans de Roon (2023).

WMP Private Property Pool I 2020

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Launched in 2020, WMP Private Property Pool I provides access to global Private Property fund managers in Europe and North America. WMP Private Property Pool I focused on successful and proven managers within the private real estate and private infrastructure space, with a combination of capital growth strategies and income oriented strategies. De Pool is closed for new investors. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past do not offer any guarantee for the future.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities?

Call us at +31 20 426 39 70 and we will assist you immediately, or fill in your details so that we can contact you.

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